Mindful Mama
I’m a holistic health advocate who believes in gentle and natural parenting – As Mother Earth intended. It’s fair to say I’m second generation crunchy mama with my own mom being an alternative healer.
You can read more about my approach to what health is and the foundation of natural parenting in my various posts on the matter.
My family is a mix on its own as I’m from Denmark and my husband is from Afghanistan. Critical thinking flows through both our families and we grew up with each our elements of natural living. Elements we now combine and build on.
We travel the world and enjoy learning new aspects of living healthy and naturally. I’m here to share these learnings with you to broaden your perspective.
Critical Thinker
Our family’s mix of cultures is challenging but endlessly rewarding as it promotes self-reflection and critical thinking, thus letting us make more conscious choices for our family.
Going along with the status quo isn’t really my thing. I strive to keep an open mind and broaden my knowledge and insights beyond borders and mainstream cultures.
Why I'm creating Mamabel Wellness
Being a mom is hard and full of worries and the unfiltered information load available is overwhelming. It’s so easy to drown out your inner voice and ignore your instincts. I know, I’ve been there myself.
Here at Mamabel Wellness, I’m sorting through and testing the information so you don’t have to.
I’m putting my knowledge and life learnings into writing in the hopes of helping all my co-moms make more informed decisions in parenting – and feel confident about it even when going upstream.
What it's all about
I’m going beyond just sharing knowledge as I create tangible advice and easy-to-follow guides. Through the lens of different cultures, various experts and my own experiences I cover topics as;
- Parenting
- Homemaking
- Body & Health
- Mind & Soul
Mamabel Wellness is about the natural health and wellness of mamas and their families.
Who it's for
This community is for the conscious mamas out there who want to know how to – and why we should – live more as Mother Nature intended. You (are starting to) recognize that there is more to life and ways of living than the society you currently reside in.
You are looking for inspiration as well as thoroughly researched information to better navigate your own journey towards a more conscious and natural mom life. In here you’ll get an abundance of resources on mindful and sustainable living to achieve natural health and wellness.
Motherhood is tough. But so are you! Especially if you let yourself be you and stop worrying about the judgment of others.

My motivation to change my lifestyle
I grew up having a close relationship with nature. My parents are very gentle, spiritual humans, and they’ve definitely taught me a huge amount about holistic health, mindfulness, and natural living.
But the world around me wasn’t as mindful and had far more materialistic values. Because of that, I found myself trying to fit into this consuming-focused hamster wheel that my peers strived for.
I met my husband in my early twenties and through experiencing his culture, I started to recognize the more social and spiritual values of life again. Together we were also experiencing new cultures around the world and things started to shift inside of me.
But it wasn’t until I hit that significant milestone of having kids of my own, that I truly realized the purpose and impact of living healthy and mindfully.
Self-care means caring for my family
Like so many before me must have experienced, children are truly the greatest motivator in life.
Becoming a parent, I felt this naturally strong urge to bring my kids the whole world – and serve it at their feet. I soon realized I can only gift my children what I manage to give myself. They copy me and my life on a subconscious, cellular level – ergo I myself must achieve, what I wish for them to achieve.
By modeling self-care, I teach my kids to take care of themselves as well. And this skill will set the foundation to care for others and all creations.
So begins my venture into the wonders of health and a truly meaningful life.
" I’m quite the geek and when something catches my curiosity I’m quickly all in, soaking up all the information I can get my hands on. "
" I’m quite the geek and when something catches my curiosity I’m quickly all in, soaking up all the information I can get my hands on. "